Environmental Protection System

The United Nations publish a warning that conservation of our oceans is critical to human existence on Earth.
Oceans are the ultimate regulator of rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, much of our food and the oxygen we breathe. Preventing the collapse of bio-diversity in our oceans is critical to our survival. 8 million tonnes of plastic plus a greater volume of other toxic materials are being discharged into oceans each year and accumulating in mid-ocean rubbish patches termed gyres. Entire generations of sea birds and other creatures are being lost, caused by human generated pollution.
Enviro’s founder Leo Crasti an Engineer has perfected a unique separation process which removes pollutants from stormwater run-off. This process is housed inside concrete chambers, which can be installed directly in stormwater drains. The systems vary in performance to suit the upstream catchments such as residential and commercial or upgraded to industrial high risk where the pollutants may include toxic chemicals and oils. The systems are manufactured from sustainable materials and are matched to stormwater flows. This technology can now be used to harvest and disinfect stormwater as a secondary water supply, using solar energy, which could deliver 50 to 100 litres/person/day to our cities.