Tip Tubs

When we moved to the city 4 years ago we found it difficult to dispose of building materials and garden waste.
We didn't have any space for trailers and didn't want the expense of automated tipping trailers or trucks. It was hard work to unload the rubbish at the end of the day. You would have to manually remove the waste and dump it by hand at the Recycling Depot. With a Tipper you were allowed to drive right up to the rubbish and tip it off. Hence the idea of a Pivot Tipper that could fit on a ute was forming.
We needed something that was temporary, affordable, didn’t take up too much space, easy to use and was less stress on the body.
Gavin began with drawing a sketch and then made the first prototype. Not really knowing where to go from here we then heard of Form Designs and took the idea to them. This progressed us with Engineered Drawings, Product Specifications, Patent applications, Trademark Lodgement, another Prototype and Manufacture Costing.
After testing the prototype we then came up with further improvements to make sure it will withstand long term use. After some minor changes we then hit a major hurdle with Covid 19 which not only lengthened every stage but tripled the production costs from China as well as freight costs.
Our Tip Tub was becoming unaffordable to be made overseas and then shipped to Australia.
Since then we have spent more time redrawing the design so we can buy some off the shelf parts and have it manufactured here in Perth. We have had a 3rd Prototype made and are in the final stages of completing this. We have sourced local manufacturers who are very excited to be part of our journey.
As we progress we hope to finalise all the production stages and then proceed into full manufacture.