
Dermapen 4 delivers the ultimate in advanced microneedling and can create an astounding 1,920 puncture channels per second, up to 104% faster than other microneedling devices.
The latest Dermapenâ„¢ is taking the microneedling pen industry by storm. Dermapen 4 glides over the skin creating millions of fine, vertical fractional channels. These channels can carry up to 80% more topical nutrients deeper into the skin. The micro-injuries trigger a natural process of repair, increasing the production of collagen and elastin and visibly improving a wide range of skin concerns.
Dermapen technology has significant benefits over dermalrolling and fractional laser treatments, due to the minimal trauma to patient’s skin. Dermapen microneedling gives skin the chance to spend more effort fighting the ailment itself, rather than any collateral damage caused by the procedure.
All functionality, like speed and depth, can be controlled with the touch of a button for reliable results. Larger areas can be treated faster, with exceptional outcomes and almost no pain or downtime.
• Scar Treatment Setting with maximum 3mm depth
• Advanced Oscillating Vertical Needle™ (AOVN) Technology
• Increased speed, precision, and safety
• 16-needle cartridge glides smoothly over the skin
• No fluid backflow, no cross-contamination, and no drag