
The cities we live within are shaped by their architecture, they create the spaces we live in and set the backdrop for where we work and play.
They’re a cultural symbol and historical reference. New York is no exception. The Flatiron, The Empire State Building, The Chrysler, The Guggenheim, The World Trade Centre Station – each mark a unique point in time for New York real estate. Historically, whilst architecture has evolved, most buildings today are still managed like it’s the 1950s.
So how do we get buildings to join the rest of us in the 21st Century? Brookfield Properties is a world leader in real estate development and place-making and is now breaking new ground in the area of technology. They’ve partnered together with a technology company named Willow to make a building that holds both beauty and brains. Willow’s technology is enabling its new flagship building, One Manhattan West, to become the smartest skyscraper in the Manhattan skyline and is a sign of things to come for the whole industry. Willow is collecting all the data from across the building (typically it’s stuck in hard drives, binders or even just in someone’s head) and funneling it into a virtual model of the building called a digital twin. Through the WillowTwin™ platform, Brookfield can manage the building more effectively, fix problems before they occur, better manage sustainability, and improve the experience for every person who comes through the door.